* = Must
Currently, we only do meetups. No other payment/collection mode available at the moment. Sorry & Thanks. :D
Order Form
. * Name:
. * Contact Number:
. * 1st Item: (colour[please choose one alternative colour, in case your first choice Out Of Stock(OOS)], quantity, size, etc..)
. 2nd Item:
& so on..
. * Payment Meetup: (location [time, date to be discussed])
. * Collection Meetup: (location [time, date to be discussed])
. * Total Amount Payable:
Order Form (For people who are taking supplies from us)
. * Name:
. * Blogshop URL:
. * Contact Number:
. * Items: (color[please choose one alternative colour, in case your first choice Out Of Stock(OOS)], quantity, size, etc..)
. * Payment Meetup: (location [time, date to be discussed])
. * Collection Meetup: (location [time, date to be discussed])
. * Total Amount Payable:
Send in your orders to shopdaoxiao@hotmail.com.
Enjoy shopping :D